Welcome to Employee Self-Service
Self-service gives you direct access to some of your data held in the University HR/Payroll system. Please review your data periodically to keep it up to date.
Please note that the 'Download all' button currently does not work. You can still download old payslips, but you need click the individual download button.
Click here to log in to Employee Self-Service
Guidance and information
A User manual is available.
The following videos are also available:
- Introduction: welcome to the new self service dashboard
- Profile and payslip
- Booking and cancelling annual leave (only applicable to a small number of pilot departments)
Employee Self-service lets you:
- Supply and update HESA personal data
- Add or amend your address, phone numbers and email addresses
- Add or amend emergency contact details
- View and download online payslips (dated from June 2008 onwards)
- View P60 (from the tax year 2009/10 onwards)
- View your sickness record
Need help?
If you need any help or want to offer any feedback, please contact the CHRIS Help Desk (email CHRIS.helpdesk@admin.cam.ac.uk)