Each department will be invited to nominate a Key Contact, whose responsibilities will include:
1. Authorising Users
Key contacts will authorise users to have access to CHRIS and other HR Systems. Key Contacts can only authorise access within their own institution.
Requests for access from School Finance Managers will be authorised by the CHRIS System Manager.
2. Arranging Training for Users
All users must receive training (by attending a course, or receiving one-to-one coaching) before their user account is activated.
This requirement applies to all users regardless of whether they have update or read-only access to the system. The requirement is intended to ensure that CHRIS users can use the system to best effect in supporting their roles.
Please see the CHRIS Training web pages for further information.
3. Data Protection
Proper authorisation and training will ensure that the University can demonstrate compliance with the Data Protection Act which requires that access to data and system facilities should be in accordance with the duties as specified in their job description.
4. Duty of Care and Confidentiality
Many CHRIS users will have access to privileged information in order to perform their roles within the University. This access carries a responsibility regarding due care and attention to confidentiality. Accordingly if it can be demonstrated that a user has made inappropriate use of the information viewed in CHRIS their access will be suspended. Key Contacts should be aware of this and should inform the CHRIS Helpdesk of any concerns.
5. Forwarding System Bulletins and other CHRIS communications
The Key Contact will maintain a list of staff in their Department who need to know about system announcements and any bulletins concerning system availability e.g. during upgrades or engineering work. The Key Contact is responsible for forwarding such communications within their department.
6. User Audit
Every six months, an audit of users will take place. This audit will provide a list of users with current access to CHRIS within each department. Key Contacts will respond by confirming that access should continue or not, as the case may be.