Q. How can I obtain access to CHRIS?
If you wish to have access to CHRIS you should ask your CHRIS Key Contact to e-mail CHRIS.training@admin.cam.ac.uk on your behalf. Once authorised, access can usually be arranged in 5 working days but you will require training before your user account is activated. You will need a Raven password to make use of your CHRIS account. Click here to find out how to get a Raven password.
Q. I had a Raven password but I have forgotten it.
Click here for information on resetting your Raven password.
Q. Why is training essential prior to CHRIS usage?
The policy of training users in readiness for system usage is intended to ensure that users get the best out of those systems. This policy is already in force for new CUFs and CAMSIS users and so it is well established.
Q. How do I obtain training?
Please see the details of CHRIS training.
Q. Why can some users view more information than others?
Access to CHRIS is managed by a system of user profiles. Some user profiles are very powerful, e.g. for a Human Resources user there would be considerable access to data and functions.
For a departmental users access is typically read-only. Some read-only users can see more than others because they have a different user profile. The user profile is selected and authorised by the Key Contact based on the job content of the access requestor.
The profiles available include:
- Basic: Read only access to person and position details inc grade info. No pay, probation or absence access.
- HR RO – Read only – access to position and history, absence, RTW, Contact details, probation, reviews and training records. Post costing detail and employment checks
- HR RW – As above but able to amend details
- Finance: Read only access to basic employment information only plus pay information (but not probation, reviews and absence).
- Full/DPL: the equivalent to the old Department Pay Leavers role. Allows data, including addresses, contact details and emergency contacts, to be updated. It also gives access to view pay information (Grade, spinepoint, position salary history and also provides update access to:
- Sickness
- Probation
- Appraisal
- Reporting Manager
- Checks
- Make someone a Leaver
Note: Not all profiles are currently available to every department.